Hi there,

I’m Andrew, founder of Simply Home Tips – the DIY and home improvement blog where I share my DIY projects with detailed guides, favorite things, suggestion on home tools & gadgets and other things to share.
I love to craft and tinker around ever since I was a child. Now with a busy life, I don’t have too much time for it, but still, i would build and fix around the house in my spare time.
It may take longer time to be done and more money on buying tools & equipment; yet the results are not perfect every time. However, beside training myself to be more patient, creative and plan my time accordingly, I have gained valuable knowledge on many professional skills and using respective tools effectively.
Better yet, the finish job, no matter what are unique and personalized creation that have been tailored to our family needs, things that you won’t find anywhere else. Sound content, isn’t it?!

If you have any questions or want collaboration, please contact me at contact /at/ simplyhometips.com or this contact page
Thanks for stopping by and happy building!